
Hi, I'm Shavanne, fitness enthusiast turned fitness professional

Shavanne Lambert standing in front of an exercise mat, dumbbells, and foam roller

My fitness journey began in 2011 when I began reading fitness-related blogs and researching the importance of physical activity, healthy eating, and mental well-being. While I occasionally went running or worked out, I didn't really eat healthy or maintain a regular exercise schedule until I committed to changing my lifestyle through what I learned. I (reluctantly) joined a gym, eventually started working out 3-4 times a week, and made healthier dietary choices. I found that I started to enjoy exercise, and my ultimate goal was to be able to use the machines and heavier free weights that intimidated me when I first joined the gym.

I was introduced to Zumba Fitness when a friend invited me to take a class. I had no idea what I was doing, felt uncoordinated and out of shape, but I had fun and continued to attend classes. About six months later, other class participants and friends encouraged me to become an instructor. I didn't think I'd be a good instructor because I didn't have a fitness background or teaching experience. Eventually, I decided to get licensed to teach Zumba in 2013. Instructing Zumba classes led me to my passion of teaching others about health and fitness; along with being licensed to teach additional Zumba formats, I also earned my personal training and group exercise instructor certifications. 

As a dedicated fitness trainer, my mission is your success. I'm here to inspire, motivate, and celebrate every victory, big or small. Together, we'll embark on a journey to unlock your full potential, crush your goals, and transform your health.